Kenneth Peck – New York
I started trapping in 1958 at the ripe old age of 8, after spending a day on a muskrat line with my sister’s boyfriend. I lived in Watkins Glen, N.Y. until 1981, then I moved to the Spencer–Van Etten area and live there still.
I have trapped in Missouri, Maryland, Vermont, and various areas of New York. I took instructions from Bud Boda, John Thorpe, Ron and Pete Leggett and John Magel. I worked nights for many years, so I could trap during the day. Never got much sleep during trapping season.
My favorite animals to trap are mink and otter. I absolutely love spring rat and beaver trapping right at ice out. I have bounty trapped beaver and stock killing coyotes. I have trapped many well educated beaver over the years.
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